Spring sale 1 hour stand up sunbed course £22.99, 100mins £34.99, 150minutes £49.99
Spring sale 1 hour stand up sunbed course £22.99, 100mins £34.99, 150minutes £49.99
We offer quality tanning in a supervised environment with dedicated trained professionals advising you on the safest and most effective way to achieve your desired colour.
Individual minutes can be purchased as a one off session or to top up remaining course balance. Minutes are available from 1 to 15.
By buying this course you have an account of 60 minutes to use within a 6 month period. This course saves you £16 compared to paying for each session individually.
By buying this course you have an account of 120 minutes to use within a 6 month period. This course saves you £38 compared to paying for each session individually.
The minimum age to legal use a sunbed is 18 year old and we will ask you for identification if we believe you to be under 18. Sunbeds do not give you a colour within one session, we would recommend a course of sunbeds to achieve your desired colour. You may be asked to start on very few minutes, this is to reduce the risk of you burning and damaging your skin. As your skin get used to the process of tanning you can increase the minutes needed to achieve your desired colour. Sometimes to achieve your colour safely you may have to be patient and come in for a few weeks at least 3 times a week. If you require an immediate colour why not try a spray tan as the results are instant.
Using a lotion whilst tanning can speed up the process of tanning. Here at The Hotspot we have a vast selection of creams by different brands to help you find one suitable for your skin type. Please feel free to ask any member of staff to help you find the correct one for your skin.